Cheapest Cold Creepy Feeling: Paranormal Exorcism

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Cold Creepy Feeling: Paranormal Exorcism
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Here are some of the great features of Cold Creepy Feeling: Paranormal Exorcism

, A young couple, Lisa Younger and Jared Vandenberg, escape the Los Angeles rat race for the quiet life in Joshua Tree, California but paranormal visions and voices quickly turn the house of their dreams into a house of nightmares. They enlist the help of a spiritualist, Alex Damiano, to help exorcise the premises but this only awakens and angers the demonic presence that lurks within. When the town Sherriff, Dennis Woodruff, becomes involved, he discovers that another family mysteriously disappeared 10 years earlier without a trace and he also becomes entangled in the web of evil horror. ...

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